Gregg shorthand adaptations to other languages?

Hello, I was looking for resources and manuals for Gregg shorthand adaptations to other languages, specifically the languages Afrikaans, Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Catalan, Thai, and Tagalog (these languages were mentioned on Wikipedia at I’ve managed to find some materials for Chinese, Esperanto, French, German, Irish, Portuguese, and Spanish Gregg (but more materials for these adaptations would be nice). I would especially like materials on adaptations I was unable to find resources for. You can see the resources I found in the .zip here:

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  1. I have a website with quite a few Gregg materials available, and also many of the adaptations that you’ve already found.  There are many manuals for Spanish in fact, for most of the versions of Gregg we have in English.  I know someone who has the Gregg manual for Welsh, and I may be able to get a copy of that soon which I’ll make available for download as well.  I also have a very large collection of manuals for English.  My address of my website is  If you end up finding some of the other manuals for other languages, please let me know – my email address is listed there on the website.

    1. Thank you very much for the info. In the .zip file I provided, you can see various resources I found for Chinese, Esperanto, French, German, Irish, Portuguese, and Spanish Gregg; it might be a good idea to add that to your website.

        1. I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to find what you had on Chinese Gregg. You say that you have it, so I would like to know: where can I find this?

    2. Wow! I looked at your site and the downloads. Must have taken an enormous effort. I was not interested in the non-english versions/adaptations, but I looked briefly at Steel’s English method. I had not realised (at least I assume so due to the absence of a stroke for “C”) that that long ago there was a pronunciation element to shorthand rather than one stroke for one letter. Though then checking with my Pitman’s history of shorthand there were some others. I’ll study more of the items in your vast list in the future. Thank you.

      1. I’m glad that you’ve found something interesting to study on my website, that’s exactly why I put in the effort to make it. ?

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