Properly writing opposite curves

Hello, I’m wondering how bumpy the transition between two opposite curves should be when they are of the same length AND separated by a vowel. I’m basically thinking of L-A-L, R-A-R, G-A-G, but also V-A-B, and so on. In my French DJS book the bump is always quite pronounced, like here in the first outline…

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Updating Sénécal

Hello, I’m taking the liberty to open a new thread dedicated to the topic Christine just started on the “dictation practice” thread, to keep the two separated. I hope you won’t mind, Carlos. So Christine was saying: “What would really interest me is an update of the Sénécal: my version is a lot older than…

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French dictation practice

Hello, I don’t know if Christine, Carlos and maybe others too, will be interested, but I thought of opening a thread dedicated to dictation practice (as opposed to slow, penmanship practice) where we could post our texts as written under dictation conditions and provide feedback and advice to one another. I’m starting with this transcription…

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System vs. systematic in DJS

Hello, I don’t know about English DJS, but in French DJS I found out just today that even though système is written with the “tem” blend, systématique is written in full. Why is that? All other blends can have suffixes so why not this one? Is it the same in English DJS? Thanks!

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French : x or ks ?

Hello, I got used to writing the x (=ks) sound using a modified s in French DJS. Only today I came across the word désaxé, which is surprisingly written with a K followed by an S, instead of the usual modified S that is to be found in fixé, taxé, détaxé, etc. So why the…

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Gregg and copyright

Hello, Is anyone here familiar with the copyright and possibly the trademark status of Gregg shorthand? I know that McGraw Hill used to have a whole Gregg division to manage all Gregg-related manuals. How free are we today to: – publicly talk about the Gregg method and describe its rules and principles at length (disclosure…

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French DJS: i’s that come and go

Hello, In just one day I’ve come across two words that are written differently in the French DJS manual and in the French DJS dictionary. The words are vociférer, written without the i in the manual (p. 221), but with the i in the dictionary, and original, again without the 2nd i in the manual…

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French : En remontant le fleuve

This is the first stanza of a song by Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine (I haven’t transcribed his name properly). I like the imagery used in the (French) text. Please comment and correct. Thanks! Here is the French text and a (very) tentative English translation En remontant le fleuve au-delà des rapides (Going up the river, beyond the…

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