Simplified for Colleges, Reading Practice Translations

Dear Friends,

     I am a beginner and this is my first post.  I have searched for the answer to my question, but haven’t been able to find it yet.  I am working from the Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges, Vol 1 and just starting to get into the Reading Practice sets that are not translated.  While I have been able to work my way through many of the examples, there are still some that have me stumped.  I was wondering if there is a teacher’s guide available out there somewhere, if the practice sets have been translated somewhere on the web that you may be familiar with?

     Thank you.


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  1. What you may be looking for are the Students’ Transcripts.

    I have one for that book and it is entitled ‘Student’s Transcript of Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges, Volume One’ and it is by Louis A. Leslie, Charles E. Zoubek, and Russell J. Hosler.

    It was printed by Gregg Publishing Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.; Copyright 1953, Code No. 37257. (No ISBN.)

    ‘This booklet contains the transcript to the shorthand material in the Reading and Writing Practice exercises of Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges, Volume One.’

    However, I think it was pretty hard to get hold of as there don’t seem to be many copies of the transcripts available through the usual avenues (AbeBooks, eBay, etc.). But it’s worth a try!

    Alternatively, you could try to get a hold of the ‘Functional Method‘ manual for Simplified, which has a key at the back.

    Good luck!

  2. Carlos, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, I didn't catch it in time and now own the booklet for both editions 😉 Oh well, they were only a few dollars each. Comparing my translations to the booklet though was encouraging. I was doing better than I thought and actually got most of the words that had me stumped. Yay!!

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