French Sénécal : ant/issant


I’m slowly working towards introducing some Senecal Rules into my DJS, and I’m a bit confused about the dot which stands for ant/issant (para. 54 of the Senecal manual), when it comes to “ayant” (with the yod).

The word “ayant” itself is written e-circle + left-yod + dot, however other words such as “envoyant”, “essayant”, “croyant” are writtef without the yod. I was wondering why.

Thank you.

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  1. I don't think there's a specific reason to write the yod, other than clarity (perhaps wanting to avoid confusing it with the phrase et/es/est/aies/ait/aient + un/une). However, an e with a dot next to it in French would read ayant, since there is no other word possible. Just make sure you write the dot close to the word without leaving a big space.

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