Is shorthand difficult?

Hello, in shorthand-related boards, I often see someone who is asking advices to choose a shorthand and, among other criteria, there is always a shorthand that is easy. Each time, I’m surprised because, for me, shorthand is not the kind of thing that can be considered as difficult: there are rules and you apply these…

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Anne Frank : citations (French)

Hello, in another blog on shorthand, quotes from Anne Frank are posted in English. I wanted to write them too. So here are some quotes in French: As always, if you see any mistakes, please, let me know… 🙂 Here are some of these quotes in English: 2) “You must work and do good, not…

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Les enfants des étoiles

Hello, Aymeric and I, we started a discussion some time ago about adding new prefixes to French Gregg. I had particularly in mind the prefixes hydr- and oxy-. For the prefix oxy-, it’s easy, the ideal prefix would be o/ as it isn’t used in French Gregg. For the prefix hydr-, well, I had a…

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Shorthand… and family and friends

Hello, the other day, I read an excerpt of ‘The basics principles of Gregg shorthand’ where John R. Gregg said how much the support he had received from his sister had been important while his brothers made fun of him and his ‘obsession’. For me, shorthand is a solitary activity even if I can share…

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Hello, during the confinement, I had a look at the Anniversary manual — the English one — and tried to guess the meaning of the texts. An exercise a lot easier and less frustrating when you have the solutions. I didn’t finish the manual and I am not sure I have enough motivation to do…

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