Thinking in shorthand?

Some years back, I recall reading in one of the Gregg texts about a phenomenon that long-time shorthand writers experience: thinking in shorthand. I believe it was in one of the older (pre-Anni) texts, but am not sure after so long. Does anyone recollect this reference? Thanks! -Joel

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Criticisms and Analyses

The Louis Leslie Collection at Rider University includes a Pitmanite response to Gregg shorthand under the title An American Light Liner. In attempting to assert “the supremacy of Pitman’s Shorthand,” the author(s?) provide some unintended comic relief in their summary of purpose on page 5: It is the main object of this critique to show…

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Review of Shorthand Dictation Studies

 And some early remarks on Gregg Speed Building for Colleges Carlos has previously recommended Shorthand Dictation Studies by Wallace B. Bowman as a good text for the shorthand student who is just entering the intermediate realm. I wholeheartedly endorse this suggestion. This volume is truly excellent for any number of reasons. The quality of the…

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Functional Method Dictation and phrasing

I finally completed Functional Method Dictation. I selected this one for my first intermediate text at Carlos’s suggestion. He had particularly noted the phrasing employed by Mr. Zoubek. He wasn’t kidding! There are enough phrases to make your head spin. (How unfortunate that they weren’t indexed!) But I was also surprised at how many phrasing…

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