Rule for a-h-a?

I can’t for the life of me remember how to write this combination. How, for example, would you write the Bible name Rahab? I’m sure I must have learned it, but I’ve got a mind block. The two a’s together look very awkward. Thanks for any help.

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Word endings and beginnings for Simplified

My DJS book has a section at the back with “Recall drills.” It is a list of joined and disjoined word endings and  joined  and disjoined word beginnings. It’s very handy. I was wondering if there is a list like that for Simplified? I’m trying to learn it, but I have cognitive problems due to…

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Are there rules for combination strokes?

I’m calling them combination strokes, but I don’t know what they are really called. (Strokes like nd, det/ted, mn, den, dem, rd, ld, etc.) My question is, are there any rules for words that have more than one possibility for which stroke you use? Words like mountain for example. You could write “m-ou-nt-n” or  “m-ou-n-ten.” …

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I come from a part of the country where people pronounce “wh” words like other “w” words. I only know 2 people who pronounce the “wh” sound. So, I don’t bother to put the dot above the w. I’m just curious if anyone else drops it, and where do you live?

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Handwriting trouble

The biggest trouble I seem to have with my handwriting is the slant, or I should say, lack of slant. my handwriting has always been vertical in cursive and my shorthand tends to be the same. This makes some of the letters sort of pile up on each other. I was wondering if anyone else has…

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Question about books

I only took one year of DJS in high school. After the basic book (I had a Functional Method book) I was wondering if the next books Transcription, Dictation, and Speed Building have any new brief forms or other new “shortcuts” or are they just focused on transcribing properly and knowing proper punctuation and grammar and…

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A question about different books

I’ve been looking at used shorthand books online and I’ve come across “Individual Progress Method,” “Structured Learning Method,”  and “Programmed Gregg Shorthand, Experimental Edition.” Does anyone have any idea what the difference is in these books?

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Hi Everyone

Hello. My name is Lisa I just joined. I’m glad to find this site, because I learned shorthand in school (Diamond Jubilee) and am just starting to get back into it. I had forgotten a lot, but it’s coming back to me. I was wondering if it is very difficult to learn Anniversary? Will I…

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