Found such an example of Gregg This link comes from an article (by Krzysztof for group greggshorthand)  

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Shorthand Rediscovered

This article is from the Washington Times, Jan. 16, 2005. It was one of the catalysts that spurred me back into my old dream of learning shorthand. 🙂 Twelve students enrolled in an evening study program aren’t much of a crowd, but to Allen Trenum, a coordinator of adult education for Montgomery County Public Schools,…

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Shorthand in Wall Street Journal

Ms. Letha made the cover of the Wall Street Journal this morning. Congrats to her! I thought it was fun to see. I wonder how many people this may flush out with hidden skills in Shorthand. I was interested, for example, in the comments that there is an area in India known for retired shorthand…

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