How System Changes are Made in Gregg Shorthand

Here’s an interesting article about how edition changes came about between Simplified and Diamond Jubilee.  Most were teacher recommendations. how-system-changes-are-made-in-gregg-shorthand pdf   Another interesting study, this one by the government: CHANGES IN GREGG SHORTHAND SIMPLIFIED AS WRITTEN DURING EMPLOYMENT–AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF VARIATIONS IN A PHONETIC SYSTEM OF COMMUNICATION VARIATIONS FROM “STANDARD GREGG SHORTHAND” IN…

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A Notehand Study from 1969

Interlibrary loan came through for me once again.  I was able to check out this master’s thesis from the University of North Dakota for a Gregg Notehand study which was conducted by Sister M. Anthony Naes: A follow-up of the 1962-65 notehand students of Bishop Dubourg High School, St. Louis, Missouri, to identify the effectiveness…

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