Tom Tit Tot

Here written by me in Centennial Gregg, the timeless tale of Tom Tit Tot.

Attachment: tom-tit-tot.pdf

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  1. I got through this (mostly) and then looked up the story online to see how I did. Since I never studied Centennial but know some DJ and simplifed.  I thought there were words that were not in previous gregg versions but I came to discover the words I couldn't figure out were nonsensical or slang type words that fairy tales often have, so I basically read it all. I can't see much difference between Centennial or Diamond Jubilee and wonder why they just didn't call Centennial something like revised Diamond Jubilee or   simplified Diamond Jubilee. Maybe by the time Centennial came out it was a lost cause for shorthand anyway. and wouldn't have mattered.

    1. You're absolutely right. There are very few differences between Centennial, S90, and DJS (it is brief forms mostly), and if you know one series, you can read the other very easily. (I think I'm "promoting" Centennial more than McGraw-Hill ever did!)

      The slang in this story was fun to write, though.

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