A speedbuilding technique

This is an article from 2009 from a world record holder on his speedbuilding technique: 360 Words Per Minute World Record Holder Shares Methods By Mark Kislingbury Mark Kislingbury, the setter of the Guinness World Record of 360 words per minute with 97.22% accuracy, shares his methods. “What does this champion speed writer say about…

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Shorthand Speed Dictation – Brief Forms

The ability to write brief forms automatically and fast is one of the ingredients in improving your shorthand speed. To that effect, I recreated the following drill that appeared in an old Gregg recording. The sound files below contain all of the brief forms for all Gregg Shorthand series, dictated in alphabetical order at 100…

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Notehand brief forms

Probably getting way ahead of myself but I wanted to compare the brief forms in Notehand with their equivalents in Simplified and Diamond Jubilee. Using the charts on the Angelfishy site as my source of info for the latter two systems. Likely to be some errors here so I would appreciate corrections. m for “am”:…

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Vowel mark sighting

On p. 15 of _Supplementary Exercises in Gregg Shorthand_ (1918) There is the following drill sentence : “The tenant says that he will have the lease signed and sent to us tomorrow.”  The word ‘lease’ is written as l-e-s, with the acute mark below the e, apparently to distinguish the outline from ‘letters’. This is…

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Translating tool

I was looking at the Gregg Shorthand key dictionary the other day, and I think it is a great resource. Why don’t I make some sort of bulk translation tool with it? I think it would work better without the dashes (sorry if I’m stepping on anyone’s toes) and I am not aware of software…

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