Japan has 10 authorized shorthand systems.

JAPAN HAS 10 AUTHORIZED SHORTHAND SYSTEMS In his speech during the Intersteno Congress, that took place in Beijing (China) in 2009 (15 to 19 August), Mr. Tsuguo Kaneko said that Japan has today 10 authorized shorthand systems by the Japanese Shorthand Association.  They are: ·        Ishimura System ·        Iwamura System ·        Kumasaki System ·        Kotani…

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Criteria for Counting Words

CRITERIA FOR COUNTING WORDS IN TEXTS TO BE USED IN SHORTHAND SPEED DICTATIONS (for the Portuguese language) Organized by Prof. Waldir Cury (from Brazil) With especial contributions by Prof. Paulo Xavier, Director of Taquibras GENERAL RULE: For the purpose of counting in shorthand dictations, every unit of sound and meaning (phoneme) that by itself may…

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A SHORTHAND ONLINE COURSE IN BRAZIL THAT IS A BIG SUCCESS By:  Prof. Waldir Cury Retired parliamentary reporter and teacher of ShorthandRio de Janeiro – Brazil Shorthand Website: http://www.taquigrafiaemfoco.com.br THE BEGINNING  In 2004, I prepared a new version of the book “Shorthand, a Swift Way of Writing – Maron System”.  This book was intended as…

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Online Shorthand Course for Young Students.

I’ve just launched a new and free course of shorthand on my website: an online SHORTHAND COURSE FOR YOUNG STUDENTS.  That is a new version of the normal course, all adapted in order to make it suitable for young people – designed for self-study.  It provides comprehensive coverage in simple language for young learners.  Additional…

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