plurals of brief forms

If the plurals of brief forms ending in ‘s’ are given another ‘s’ in the same motion than why didn’t “course” follow; instead, ‘s’ is given in the opposite motion? “Course” is in the brief forms, is it not?

(by mike for everyone)

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  1. Because there are four exceptions to the rule: force, course, invoice, and office. The exceptions use the ses stroke. The exceptions are also mentioned on Paragraph 55. As to why, my sense is that it is easier to write the plurals of those words with the ses stroke instead.

  2. No problem. That is known to happen: in some of the editions of the manual, little things like that were left out. The first time the manual was published, the list of errors was enormous. Check out this thread: Also, Andrew's rework of the manual (the right-hand side column of his site has all the corrections.

    I need to repost the actual list of errors, but I cannot find the file right now. I'll let you know when I get it.

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