Is there a key for Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand?

I’m currently learning pre-anniversary Gregg, and I’m using Graded Readings as some extra reading practice. I mostly just want to know if the words I’m having trouble with are because of language shift over the years or if I need to practice them. I know there’s a key for the anniversary Graded Readings, but is…

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Shorthand Books Available

I received an email from a lady that wants to donate the following shorthand books (pictures are of the actual books, first come, first served): 1. Gregg Speed Studies – Second Edition (Anniversary) 2. Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified Functional Method – First Edition 3. Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified Functional Method – Second Edition 4. Gregg…

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Shorthand and Secretarial Books Available

I received an email from a lady whose mother was a legal secretary for many years. Her mom would have been 100 this year, and as the executor of her state, she wants to find a new home for her mom’s materials. I agreed to post the list of available titles in the hopes that…

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Gregg Shorthand Reader 1912 – Color Scan

The Gregg Shorthand Reader (1912) contains reprints of shorthand plates from issues of the Gregg Writer magazine. This book matches the 1902 Gregg Shorthand manual. There is another version of this book on the Internet Archive that is difficult to read. It was scanned in black and white from an original copy with faded plates….

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Legal Option for sharing (some) copyrighted books

I came across this a little while ago: This appears to be a *legal* option for sharing books that were published between 1923 and 1941, which opens up the possibility of legal digital access to, for instance, the anniversary edition functional method books, which were published in 1936 (and renewed in Oct 1963, dang…

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