Spanish Shorthand ?

I am learning Spanish through Rosetta Stone for my grandson who is being raised bi-lingual.  My  Spanish from college is very weak at this point.  Anyway, I would like to know if there is anyone who writes Spanish shorthand, as it would be a great way for me to supplement my language learning.  Thanks –…

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Updating Sénécal

Hello, I’m taking the liberty to open a new thread dedicated to the topic Christine just started on the “dictation practice” thread, to keep the two separated. I hope you won’t mind, Carlos. So Christine was saying: “What would really interest me is an update of the Sénécal: my version is a lot older than…

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French dictation practice

Hello, I don’t know if Christine, Carlos and maybe others too, will be interested, but I thought of opening a thread dedicated to dictation practice (as opposed to slow, penmanship practice) where we could post our texts as written under dictation conditions and provide feedback and advice to one another. I’m starting with this transcription…

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System vs. systematic in DJS

Hello, I don’t know about English DJS, but in French DJS I found out just today that even though système is written with the “tem” blend, systématique is written in full. Why is that? All other blends can have suffixes so why not this one? Is it the same in English DJS? Thanks!

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Journalists Using Shorthand?

In an episode of the British TV series Death in Paradise, one of the police mentions that some notes written in shorthand might indicate that the writer was a journalist.  (I couldn’t identify the episode, and the point was very minor in the plot.  The glimpse of the notebook looked like it might have been Pitman. The…

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French : x or ks ?

Hello, I got used to writing the x (=ks) sound using a modified s in French DJS. Only today I came across the word désaxé, which is surprisingly written with a K followed by an S, instead of the usual modified S that is to be found in fixé, taxé, détaxé, etc. So why the…

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Hello, I am new to the blog, but so glad to have found it.  I learned shorthand from the Gregg Diamond Jubilee Series in the mid 1970’s.  I used it in many jobs and served in the US Army, in Frankfurt Germany in the late 1970’s. When the Commander of our Battalion learned I took…

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(Sorry this image is a bit unclear. My penmanship and my computer ability are both at fault.) In Anniversary the word disintegrate is written as [1] (in simplified as [2]). I had been looking at my dictionary for another word when I found this odd-looking form for disintegrate. I had never come across that strange…

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