A Gregg Shorthand Postcard, from 1906!

This postcard written in Gregg in 1906 is up for bids on eBay. Can you transcribe it? Click on the images for a full view.


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  1. I can read most of it, but there are a few bits which I may have read wrongly (bold bits indicate what I'm not sure about):


    Dear Bessie: How is your health? Mine is as fine as can be. I suppose you think I am a nice one for not writing to you sooner but did not have the time. Was kept busy working and teaching music I have since I left school. Send me a souvenir postcard from your home in return. I have a nice collection and want a few more to fill my book. Hope to receive the card [illegible] Mabel Ziegler


    Can anybody get the rest?

  2. I believe the closing words are "Hope to receive the card.  Always your friend, Mabel Zeigler."

    This was great fun!  Always wished for a pen pal in shorthand.

    1. The very last outline at the bottom left is "address" followed in longhand by her Name and Riegelsville, Pa.  Probably that was all that was needed in 1906, as its population was only 868 at the 2010 census.

        1. Letters in those days had very nice closings. "I remain" was one of the most popular, and it was written in Gregg as "reverse a-men blend",  with the rest of the closing joined to "I remain" when possible ("Your friend", "Yours truly", "Sincerely yours", etc.). That created a long and distinctive outline that could be written (and transcribed) very quickly. The use of "I remain" and other forms of formal communication started to disappear in English business correspondence in the early 20th century. By the time the Anniversary manual was written, those elaborate closings were not even taught. All that remained from that era were the shorter forms such as "Sincerely yours", "Yours truly", etc.

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