A Wrestle with Ointments

This humorous story appeared in several newspapers in the early 20th century. I transcribed it in Centennial Gregg.

Attachment: a-wrestle-with-ointments.pdf

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  1. A fun read. The only thing I struggled with was what looks like pharmacist on the last page. It starts like pharmacist, but the last few letters aren't right, so I'm probably wrong.

    If the job you're assigned doesn't go the way you expect, ask. 

  2. Sometimes I get to things late, and I've only now read this story. There's one word I'm puzzled about. On page 2, right-hand column, lines 2 to 4: "… and at 4 PM was keeping up the motions ??? in a state approaching total collapse." The word in question looks like "thought", but that doesn't seem to make sense here. Is it trying to be "though"? I can't think of any other reasonable possibility.

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