Steno pad question

When did Gregg steno pads stop being sort of gridded, as in examples from Martin Dupraw or the jury charge of Zoubek over on angelfishy (at least I think that was what it was) and morph into what we use today, or have there always been two entirely separate types of paper?

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Chinese Gregg

Hi All, I posted on the open stenotype blog about Chinese shorthand and figured I’d also put up the relevant content here. Could someone get a copy of the Yawei Shorthand theory text I link to below (or one like it found somewhere else etc) and host it on this blog? Cheers Steven — Interestingly,…

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Question regarding Forkner shorthand

This question is for Forkner shorthand (or any other alphabetic shorthand) writers. Does it matter if one does not follow exact recommendations for streamline alphabet letters? In my case Forkner f is so different from what I have been writing f. In particular its bottom loop is causing me troubles (not insurmountable but annoying). Another…

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Forkner Shorthand

For those shorthand history enthusiasts: Here is Forkner shorthand manual:;view=1up;seq=1 I have downloaded pages and saved them in one pdf. I would like to share it but don’t know whether it will cause troubles. Sasa

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Just curious… is there anyone doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)… in shorthand?  Does anyone find it faster to write this way?  So many complain that they don’t like to write by hand, that typing can keep up with their thoughts better.  So I’m curious if anyone has tried doing NaNo in shorthand, since shorthand…

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Lots of Shorthand in the Secret Annex

Stumbled on another interesting bit tonight.  There was quite a lot of shorthand studying (in different languages, too) in the Secret Annex.  Check out for info.  I don’t know what type of shorthand this is.  The characters do look Greggish. This is a stenography exercise by Margot, I think: Otto en Edith Frank take…

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