French quotes… again


I’ve tried to find funny quotes and make a central theme… but it didn’t end well.

So few more quotes… again feel free to criticize… I had to forge some forms. 2. Sydney Smith ;

3. Arthur Schopenhauer (but now I realise that the quote is not complete…) ;

4. Jean l’Anselme ;

5. Albert Einstein.


Edit: I took into account Carlos’ remarks and changed a little bit the picture.



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  1. Thanks Christine. 1 and 2 are fine. Number 3, I cannot make it "le ??? est le mode de ta vie." On 4, "inoubliable" starts on the line (not on top of the line) and the "a" is not necessary: e – n – oo hook – b – l – e – b (but as I say, you're welcome to write it anyway you want). On 5, the k and the r of "s'acquiert" are of different lengths; they should be flatter and the size should be the same (I thought it read "ça guère" when I first tried to read the quote.)

  2. Hi, Carlos!
    3. in “le ???…” , ??? is “PRES” which is a brief form for “présent”… maybe the “s” is not nice enough (“DT” is for “de toute”, by the way…) ;
    4. “inoubliable”… right. On the wrong position. I will change it later. And yes I suppose the “a” is not necessary either. (in a way, it is already in the ending “B”;
    5. right, “k” and “r” are a bit misleading… I saw it previously and didn’t think it was so much the case… apparently, I was wrong. I will probably change it too.
    You read them quicker than I make them…

      1. Actually, for "de l'information", I was tempted to make one form. But since most of French readers are rather beginners… I was concerned it would be too confusing…


  3. Hello!
    As I have the impression I have petrified everyone, here are the answers:
    1. La pire des erreurs est de ne rien faire lorsque vous pouvez que faire peu. Faites ce que vous pouvez.
    2. Poule : le seul animal qu’on mange avant sa naissance.
    3. Le présent est le mode de toute vie.
    4. La course du guépard est superbe ; c’est un spectacle inoubliable mais fort rare car généralement on court devant. (Poor cheetahs, there are less and less of them…)
    5. La connaissance s’acquiert par l’expérience ; tout le reste n’est que de l’information.
    Enough of quotes… the next post will be about poetry. But I will wait a little bit… I don’t want to flood the place with French Gregg…

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