List of studies/analyses of Gregg, with links

I’ve found many more of these studies.  Rather than posting each of them singly, here is the link to the list.  I used the advanced search function on the site with “Gregg, and shorthand”.  Here is what came of that: (by Shorthand-learner for everyone)  

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Study analyzing changes in shorthand use during employment, 1966

Another interesting find: I found the regional differences in use interesting, and the conclusions and recommendations. I was disappointed that only Simplified and DJS were included in the study, as I would like to know how those using Anniversary kept to the principles and rules. (by Shorthand-learner for everyone)  

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Gregg Shorthand Book Covers

Here is a document I had created a while back too, but was unable to post in MSN, due to file size limitations. It contains covers of several Gregg Shorthand books, and it is classified by Series. Could you please let me know if I had missed a book?  I would like to keep this…

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