Gregg vs Pitman “font” size

Hello, I am a member of a Facebook shorthand group dominated by Indian and Pakistani Pitman practitioners. They often post Pitman texts and their longhand equivalent in two columns side by side on the same page, and I am always struck by how condensed Pitman looks, taking up less than half of the space needed…

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Ascending and descending strokes

Hello, I’m really sorry, I know this has already been covered but for the life of me I can’t find where! I just wanted to be sure about the distinction between ascending (or do you say upward) and descending (downward?) strokes. Upward: T, D, R, L ? Downward: S, CH, J, F, V, B, P,…

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French DJS: -tivité and -sivité

Hello, 1/I was wondering why the penultimate i-circle is kept in the -tivité ending. Is it to avoid possible confusion with “-vier”/”vié”, the ye sign being difficult to curve neatly after V? or is there no specific reason and we could just get rid of that penultimate i-circle? 2/My manual is silent about the -sivité…

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French DJS technical questions

Hello, I’m trying to summarize the theory behind choosing right or left S, and it is hellish, because not only are there lots of variables to consider, but also the rules conflict each other and an order of priority has to be determined. To avoid reinventing the wheel, I’d like to know two things. 1/Are…

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Con-, Com-, Co prefixes

Hello, Going through a second reading of my French DJS manual, I’m as puzzled as I was during my first reading of the principles governing prefixes con-, com-, conn-, comm-. The author presents the rule in three different paragraphs (160, 161, 162 for you Carlos) and distinguishes 3 cases: *con+consonant/com+consonant *conn-/com- *com+vowel/con+vowel. Why does the…

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Hello, I was transcribing a French text on substance abuse and got thrown off by the word opioïde. Since the “io” combination usually looks the same in all words (the i-circle with the o-hook right under it), I wonder how it could be modified to indicate the third and final vowel. I can’t think of…

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Conflicting shapes and proportions

Hello, Is there a neat way of writing words like Natasha (the name), attachant, attacha (in French)? In my DJS manual, attachant is written with a very long CH so that the first and last A-circles don’t overlap. But then this CH ends up being just as long as a J really. Have you spotted…

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French: demeurer

Hello, In a transcription she sent me, my mother wrote the verb demeurer as: dem(blend)-r-e. I’ve never heard of a dem blend in DJS (only din, daine), but this made me wonder why in DJS it is written d-e-m-eu-r-e while: -it starts with de which, granted, is not dé, but is still written without an…

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