Handwriting trouble

The biggest trouble I seem to have with my handwriting is the slant, or I should say, lack of slant. my handwriting has always been vertical in cursive and my shorthand tends to be the same. This makes some of the letters sort of pile up on each other. I was wondering if anyone else has…

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‘Keepsake’ in Simplified

Hi folks- I’m wondering how I would write the word keepsake in Simplified. If I use a left-S, as in keeps, then the sake part of the word doesn’t follow the general rules about circles being formed on the outside of angles. But if I use a comma-S, as in the word sake on its…

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Question about -lity and -rity

There’s a matter that’s been bothering me for some time. It concerns -lity and -rity. In all the series of Gregg shorthand that I know a bit about, -lity is also used for -lty; e.g. admiralty, faculty, fealty, loyalty, penalty. But -rity seems never to be used for -rty; e.g. liberty, poverty, property, puberty. Regularity…

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Reversed vowel for R not in first edition

I use simplified mainly with some DJ mixed in, but was interested in the older systems and while looking up the old manuals I noticed the first edition 1888 did not even mention the reversed vowels (a and e) as an option. In the 2nd and 3rd editions it was briefly mentioned only as an…

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How to write denouement

Should the beginning of denouement be written with the den blend or as d-e-n? If it was a more common word, I would expect to use the den blend, but I’m hesitant. I apologize for the blurry, unsteady outlines, but hopefully the difference is clear. Which one looks more correct?

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Shorthand Group in Central Maine

I ran across this fun article on the ‘dying’ skill of shorthand. It is nice to see some folks getting together and enjoying Gregg together. They meet once a month, and there is a lesson on the finer points of shorthand. Some know series 90, some DJ, and others simplified. It’s a great mix of…

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Introduction and Study Buddy

Hello friends! My name is Stephen, and I’m a budding Gregg (simplified) enthusiast, a student, a photographer, and a shy esperantist (mi estas eterna komencanto). I was welcomed many months ago, and my efforts have waxed and waned as life continues to create obstacles to my shorthand study. Most were self imposed. Perhaps you can…

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Help with transcription

Someone in the Facebook Gregg Shorthand group posted this photo of a phrase from a court document, possibly from the 1960s.  Any ideas about a transcription?  What about the outline that looks like a gay, kay, and ish stacked together?  Curious about the thoughts of the experts in this group.

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A fresh approach to Gregg Shorthand?

I was re-reading some of the posts about Notehand, S90 and, recently, Centennial, and started to think that the publishers of Gregg Shorthand missed an opportunity. Late 20th century Gregg Shorthand could have benefited from a completely fresh approach to teaching the subject, and to shorthand theory, rather than simply revising the preceding text. The…

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