English / French Gregg

Hello! I read Gregg stenography has been adapted to French in Canada to facilitate the switch between French and English. Still Gregg is phonetic… For example, « ocean » is represented by “o-sh” in English Gregg. I don’t know how it is represented in French Gregg. But if the word in French is almost completely…

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Word endings and beginnings for Simplified

My DJS book has a section at the back with “Recall drills.” It is a list of joined and disjoined word endings and  joined  and disjoined word beginnings. It’s very handy. I was wondering if there is a list like that for Simplified? I’m trying to learn it, but I have cognitive problems due to…

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Book for learning Simplified?

I’m trying to teach myself Simplified. I borrowed this book from my local library and while it was helpful, it was made a bit more difficult because there were no answer keys. I’ve read somewhere that’s because it’s a reprint and that if I were to find an original it would have the keys. Does…

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Thank you for the writing style post

Last month(ish), someone commented on a post showing two very different writing styles. (I can’t find the post, sigh.) One was cramped, one took up a lot of space. I’d see the post before, but never taken it to heart. This time, I paid attention. I’ve been writing on every line in my book, to…

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Courage in the Use of Talent

This motivational essay by English writer and Anglican cleric Rev. Sydney Smith, urges all not to be afraid to use our talents to get ahead in life. I transcribed it in Centennial for the blog. Attachment: courage-in-the-use-of-talent.pdf

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The Rhine – River of Romance and Beauty

The Rhine, during its course from the Alps to the North Sea, passes through four countries and constitutes six different country borders. It is is one of Europe’s most spellbinding rivers, with hillside castles, lush vineyards, and storybook villages all around. This selection written by me in Anniversary talks about this magnificent river. Attachment: the-rhine-river-of-romance-and-beauty.pdf

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