Le bûcheron et la mort (French)

Hello, I prepared this little poem days ago and now I decide to post it. (It’s lighter than the title suggests). It’s from Nicolas Boileau who wrote very sensitive and thoughtful texts.   I thought to write his name at the end, the name of the author is not difficult but the title of the book…

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Les Droits de l’Homme (French)

Hello! In these troubled times, I wanted to tackle something more… essential. So these are the first three articles of the « Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme », United Nations version. Again here are some words I didn’t find in the manuals, so I created them based on the “Gregg Shorthand Dictionary” like “fraternité”…

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French quotes… again

Hello! I’ve tried to find funny quotes and make a central theme… but it didn’t end well. So few more quotes… again feel free to criticize… I had to forge some forms. 1.et 2. Sydney Smith ; 3. Arthur Schopenhauer (but now I realise that the quote is not complete…) ; 4. Jean l’Anselme ;…

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Few more quotes in French

Hello! As much I would like to do long texts as Carlos do, I have the feeling that the time hasn’t come… So few more quotes from: Ingrid Bergman; “English saying” (well, written in French…); Appeared on a Goya painting. So it should from Goya…  Claude Aveline;  Again Swâmi Prajñânpad I don’t think you will…

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French advices

Hello! A new text in French from Alexandre Dumas fils. Some remarks: I met just once an example of “tutoiement” (in “Études Graduées…”) and it was very far from covering all combinations. So I have to use a little bit of imagination. “tu es” and “tu as” are very common in French so I couldn’t…

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Few quotes in French Gregg

Hello! Due to the dearth of French Gregg ressources, I try to add few ones of my own. For the moment, it’s just a test for I never posted any picture. So, the first is from Nicholas Machiavel, the next three ones are from Swâmi Prajñânpad, a Indian wise man I like a lot and…

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