Chance ou malchance (French)

Hello, a long time ago existed a blog full of interesting texts, insights, wits, thoughts, humour… It hasn’t completely disappeared because its pages have been saved in another website. The name of the blog was: Here is one of the texts you could find on this blog: Edit: a little change made…

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Le Trésor du Baobab (part 1) (French)

Hello, here is a nice African fairy tale. It has been written into French by a well-known writer, Henri Gougaud who collected a lot of meaningful stories. I will post it in two parts… For the numbers, I will remove them later… when there will be no corrections to be made. So… by kind permission…

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Bouteflika et les présidents français

A short transcription of the beginnig of a news article from Le Monde, about the (almost former) Algerian president. This time I have been more careful about using the proper brief forms. The question marks indicate the words I wasn’t sure about (re. my other post about the -ien endings, among othe doubts). Anyway I’ll…

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-stion / -ien in French DJS

Hello, I want to write the word gestion (which I pronounce jes-t-ion), which I haven’t found either in my (unfinished) readings. Is there a -tion (pronounced TION not SION) special ending? Also, I’m not sure about the ending -ien as in lien, algérien, entretien. Is it written the same way as “ion” (i-n) ? Thanks!

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French DJS : Rousseau, 9e promenade

Hello, My attempt at transcribing the very first lines of Rousseau’s 9th promenade in les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Please let me know where my mistakes are (by DJS rules please) 🙂 I didn’t know how to write “permanente” the DJS way (I put a question mark on top of it). Didn’t know if “man”…

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